Friendships: Take Action, Reach Out, Speak Up

“Relationships are your responsibility.”

The very second I heard my pastor say this, it hit me like a brick with conviction. I’ve spent a lot of time blaming others or circumstances and making excuses for my lack of friendships.

“You have to take responsibility.

You need to reach out.

If you’re having a hard time, reach out all the more.

You can’t have unfair expectations of others for them to see how much you need them.

People often can’t see that. Often from the outside looking in, to them, it looks a lot better than from where you are, from the inside looking out, where things often look worse.


Don’t hint, communicate what you need.

People actually do care a lot, but they can’t always see what you’re not telling them.

Have the courage and go to someone you know you can trust and just tell them, “This is a difficult time in my life.” They’ll listen. And don’t say there isn’t anyone, because there always is. There is.

It’s dangerous to be independent or too dependent when it comes to relationships.

We need good, godly relationships.

Ministering to one another in love is an incredible thing.”

It is.

Don’t miss out on it because you’re so busy blaming others or being bitter or sitting back waiting and hoping on something to happen.

Take action, reach out, speak up.

I can tell you this is some of the best advice my pastor has given on relationships and I just wanted to pass it on, because I think it will make a big difference in the area of friendships if you actually do something in response.

We are all one body in Christ Jesus, we need each other, and when one part suffers, we all suffer with it. And when you rejoice, we want to rejoice with you.

You may have been hurt or have things like fear or insecurities that hold you back, but it’s time to act and not stay where you are.

We are stronger when we are one, when were are together. when we actually need and support one another.

“Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work: If one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up! Also, if two lie down together, they will keep warm. But how can one keep warm alone?” (Ecclesiastes 3:9-11)

6 thoughts on “Friendships: Take Action, Reach Out, Speak Up

  1. Had my first women’s small group/life group tonight at Ball State. We talked about this very thing, and went over this same passage from Ecclesiastes. I love you, you’re honesty, openness, and everything is encouraging as always! I miss you tons, it’s not the same not being around you!

    • I’m happy to hear you are in a woman’s small group and that you are studying Scripture together! Thanks for always reading and for your encouragement, sister! I love you Joy and I miss you as well. Sometime we’ll get to see each other and catch up on all God’s been doing. In the meantime, keep in touch! Be blessed!

  2. This is so true. I have heard him preach on this before, and it makes sense because Jesus worked hard on relationships, and spent time developing them. He invested much on his part, and some of these relationships became very intimate. God is so faithful when He tells us which ones to pursue and we obey. I love you and praise God with you for this Rhema Word!

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