2010, all for Him.

It’s a new year!

I went through 2 1/4 journals and 126 WordPress posts today, which is just about all my writing from 2010.

I divided a word document under a header for each month of the year and wrote 1 sentence summaries of what I was going through, what God taught me, and things I was a part of that were highlights of that month. I wrote a several key verses and songs that really helped me through that month and impacted me. I also added up how many songs I wrote (that I wrote down, there were so many more I didn’t record).

I tried my hardest to keep it brief and short, and it still ended up being 13 pages.

Thank You God for all You did, all You brought me through, and that You inspired me in so many ways through worship and writing! You are worthy of all praise! Glory to Your name alone!

2010 in summary

WordPress posts: 126

Poems: 10

Songs written on the piano: 25

Songs written on the guitar: 12

Top songs to play/listen to: “Lovesick” and “I Surrender” by Misty Edwards, “Forever Reign” by Hillsong, “I need You more” by Kim Walker, “Where You go I go” by Kim Walker, “Your Beautiful” by Phil Wickham

Top Key Verses: Romans 9:16,  Nahum 1:7, Luke 9:23, Psalm 73:26, Titus 3:4, Luke 10:2

Top Books read: “Crazy Love” by Francis Chan, “Jesus Freaks” by VOM, Set-Apart Feminity (for like the 8th time) by Leslie Ludy, Rachel’s Tears (story of Columbine Martyr Rachel Joy Scott), Secrets of  the Secret Place by Bob Sorge

2010 was a hard year for me, but every time I faced a new trial, or something was out of control in my life, I was thrusted into a new level of trust and dependence on God. I grew so much and God taught me so much and my character was refined. He blessed me with friends I really needed and so many amazing opportunities. I experienced incredible times in His presence and being loved by my Heavenly Father. I was continually humbled. I learned how to praise Him even when things were out of my control or I wanted to just stay feeling down. I gained more boldness in Him and learned how to participate more in community. I opened up a lot more. He used me even when I was broken to minister to others. It was an awesome year of being loved, loving Him with my all, and loving others And I praise God!